3tulip 郁金香 a large, brightly coloured spring flower, shaped like a cup, on a tall stem . 郁金香造句, tulip sentence The mother was a proud tulip, and never acknowledged the salutations o...
3petal 花瓣、玫瑰花瓣、花瓣色 a delicate coloured part of a flower. The head of a flower is usually made up of several petals around a central part. petal 花瓣造句 If he could learn to love anothe...
3sunflower 向日葵、葵花、太阳花、向阳花 a very tall plant with large yellow flowers, grown in gardens or for its seeds and their oil that are used in cooking . sunflower sentence 向日葵造句、葵花造句、太阳花造句...
3begonia 海棠、海棠花、秋海棠、四季海棠 a plant with large shiny flowers that may be pink, red, yellow or white, grown indoors or in a garden. begonia sentence 海棠造句 海棠花造句. Upon entering the door, ...
3gardenia 栀子花 栀子 a bush with shiny leaves and large white or yellow flowers with a sweet smell, also called gardenias. gardenia sentence 栀子花造句 . Gardenia and asked me if I was uncom...
2从善如流,汉语成语,拼音为cóng shàn rú liú,从善如流英文:do something good naturally and happily,意思是形容能迅速而顺畅地接受别人的正确意见。出自《左传·成公八年》。 从善如流原文 晋栾书侵蔡,遂侵楚,获申骊。楚师之还也,晋侵沈,获沈子揖初,从智、范、韩也。君子曰:“从善如流,宜哉!《诗》曰:‘恺悌君子...
1过年了,他买了两瓶好酒孝敬爷爷。于是相沿成习,过年的时候要贴红纸,穿红衣,挂红灯,敲锣打鼓,燃放爆竹,据说就是这个缘故。年味就是一个个灯笼飞上屋檐;年味就是一幅幅对联贴上墙壁;年味就是一件件新衣奔离衣柜;年味就是一声声爆竹响彻天地;年味就是一片片彩霞空中飞舞。过年啦!家家户户喜气洋洋,张灯结彩,当然了,我家也不例外! 1、2020年即将到来,大家都兴高采烈的...