3不知道你有没有发现,最近朋友圈、抖音、微博开始频繁出现emo这个说法,比如「我emo了」,有点跟不上时代的步伐了,那么emo是什么意思?我EMO了是什么梗?怎么走出EMO? 直白来讲,我EMO了,你可以理解为“我网抑云了”、“我颓了”、“我抑郁了”、“我傻了”、“我太难了”…… 据百度百科,EMO,全称Emotional Hardco...
1Whether you’re looking to share your feelings with a crush, write a simple message in a card, or just want to practice some self-love, expressing your feelings can sometimes leave ...
12019年新年快乐祝福语 英文,Happy New Year’s greetings for 2019 English. 1、祝你新年快乐! Happy New Year to you. 2、祝您新年快乐! I wish you a happy New Year! 3、我祝大家圣诞快乐和新年快乐! I wish you Merry Christm...
1Tanabata to send you a seven-color flower: red is lucky, blue is happy, green is smooth, yellow is lucky, orange is sweet, pink is happy, purple is happy. I wish you sweet love and...