11.我从没怀疑过承诺那一刻的真诚,可人性是如此幽深复杂,千帆过尽,我变得什么都能理解,也什么都无法再相信。 I never doubted the sincerity at the moment of commitment, but human nature is so deep and complicated that I can understand e...
1世界上最遥远的距离,是我站在你面前而你却不知道我爱你!The furthest distance in the world is when I stand in front of you and you don’t know that I love you! 中英文2020520情书情句情话大全,可以分享到朋友圈、抖音和快手真情告白或暗示爱意。 ...
1最近常常听到媒体或网络有人说,在困难面前我们要共克时艰,那么,共克时艰是什么意思呢?共克时艰是谁最新说出来的?共克时艰有没有下一句?下面为春暖花开小编为大家整理了共克时艰的含义解释、英文翻译以及中英文造句应用,希望对大家有所帮助。 共克时艰是什么意思? 共克时艰是一种当前比较流行的缩略式造词方式。意思是:共同克服时下艰难。共克时艰是新华社报道抗击“5·12”...
1每一段努力的时光,每一段奋斗的人生,都是值得纪念的。阳光励志的句子,让你受用一生! 春暖花开小编分享一些努力奋斗的句子,为每一个为梦想而奋斗的人,加油助力。Every time of hard work and every life of struggle is memorable. Sunshine inspiring sentences, let you...
1生活多么美好。我热爱生活,向往更加美好的生活。 Stick to my own dream and always be happy about my life. 1 除了想当一个出色的女警察外,我最向往的生活就是做一个流浪人。 Besides being an outstanding policewoman, the kind of life I most ...
1214日爱要誓,情人节里爱表示,诚心诚意疼爱你,满心满意接纳你,真心真意关心你,尽心尽意照顾你,实心实意体贴你,一心一意保护你。二月十四情人节,全心全意深爱你,生活美又爱情甜,生生世世不分离!On Valentine’s Day, love means loving you sincerely, accepting you satisfactor...
1Happy birthday to you! 祝您生日快乐! Happy Birthday! 生日快乐! Happy birthday, sweetheart. 生日快乐,亲爱的。 He piped “happy birthday” on the cake. 他在蛋糕上镶上了“生日快乐”的字样。 The whole class all...
1I have the pleasure of meeting you in all my years; I have spent the rest of my life writing mountains, staring at stars, yellowing books, and fortunately you are still there. It&#...