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flowers and plants 花卉 花草,flowers and plants sentence 花卉造句 花草造句

flowers and plants 花卉 花草,flowers and plants sentence 花卉造句 花草造句 There are many types of strange flowers and plants growing here. 这里面生长着许多奇花异草。 Children with our love is the mother o...

mulberry 桑葚 桑椹 桑树,mulberry sentence 桑葚造句 桑椹造句 桑树造句

mulberry 桑葚 桑椹 the small purple or white berry of the mulberry tree. mulberry 桑树 a tree with broad dark green leaves and berries that can be eaten. Silkworms (that make silk) eat t...

Wisdom Tree 智慧树,Wisdom Tree sentence 智慧树造句

Wisdom Tree 智慧树,Wisdom Tree sentence 智慧树造句 Beside the hotel yard stands a venerable70ft cedar said to be the Tree of Knowledge. 在饭店的院子旁矗立着一棵高英尺的古老雪松,据说它就是那棵“智慧树”。 O wisdom tree! I ...