Whether you’re looking to share your feelings with a crush, write a simple message in a card, or just want to practice some self-love, expressing your feelings can sometimes leave ...
1.我从没怀疑过承诺那一刻的真诚,可人性是如此幽深复杂,千帆过尽,我变得什么都能理解,也什么都无法再相信。 I never doubted the sincerity at the moment of commitment, but human nature is so deep and complicated that I can understand e...
远隔重洋,一束鲜花、一个蛋糕送到的身旁,花儿浓缩了我对你的祝福,蛋糕饱含着对你的情谊,国际送花、国外送蛋糕卡片留言写些什么好呀? 看看这些甜美的国际祝福语吧。 Across the ocean, a bouquet of flowers and a cake are sent to me. The flowers condensed my blessings...